The College Endowment Association
Community Enrichment Since 1890

Arabella Dane - The Beautiful Life of Butterflies and Their Conservation

Program Date: November 4, 2020

Arabella Dane

Arabella S. Dane (Mrs. Edward N. Dane) is an accredited photography judge for the Photography Society of America; a member of two camera clubs in New England; 2 PSA study groups as well as a serving as an emeritus Garden Club of America photography judge and instructor. She is the founder of the GCA Photography Study Group, and is the coordinator for the photography initiatives of the National Garden Clubs, working with Charlie Burke, PSA past president, to develop online photography programs and competitions for the NGC membership (250,000 members). 

She regularly competes in photography competitions and takes courses in photography. She shares with her husband Nat a love for nature, gardening, conservation, fishing, bird shooting, traveling, and photography. They have traveled to Borneo to photograph the Orangutans, to Churchill Manitoba Canada to photograph Polar Bears, to Baja CA to photograph the Gray Whales, to Mexico to photograph the Monarch migration, and to Bosque del Apache to experience the crane migration. Recently they have been in Wisconsin to photograph the Tundra Swans migration. Arabella is an avid horticulture student - working most recently on the correlations between our native plants and their pollinators. Her online web site is a resource for plant huggers. It includes more than 150,000 plants and 25,000 plant photographs as well as photos of many of our native butterflies. butterflies.